BEST BITS – Did You Know… Coffee Is A Survival Tool?

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We’ve all wanted to hook up to an IV coffee drip to survive the day, but turns out a ‘cup of joe’ is infact ‘a cup of life’!

BROADCAST DATE: 10th November 2022
SHOW: #003

How is this for an advertisement for the benefits of drinking coffee, not only does it wake you up, taste good and keep you motivated through out the day, and pick you up when you suffer from 3:30-itis, but it can also keep you alive… for 9 DAYS!

As two South Korean miners survive on instant coffee for nine days!

On the 26th of November, in the Northeast region of Bonghwa, the zinc mine they were working in collapsed. Not knowing how long their ordeal would last, the two brave men pitched a tent, brewed up some instant Joe and settled in…. and that they did for 9 days until the were rescued!

Probably not approriate to use on advertising for coffee though… but next time you have a cup of instant, you’ll know that this cup of life, is indeed a cup of life!