Film Critic Accuses Avatar: The Way Of Water Of ‘Cultural Appropriation’
#Avatar #review #culturalappropriation #ttms #localradio #2ssr
File this next segment under – Are you ducking serious?
A film critic has accused Avatar: The Way of Water, the recently released Avatar movie, of, and you won’t believe this.. ‘cultural appropriation’
Kathia Woods claims director James Cameron only cast white actors to ‘cos play’ as aliens ‘of colour’ in the blockbuster hit.
In a tweet she wrote, and I quote: At some point we gotta talk about the cultural appropriation of Avatar and white actors are cos playing POC (people of colour) its just a mess and so not necessary and no amount of visual effects or CGI is going to erase that.
Firstly, one of the main cast, the female lead, is actress Zoe Saldana, an actress who’s father Dominican while her mother is Puerto Rican. Saldana also has Lebanese and Haitian roots.
With regard to her racial identity, Saldana has stated publicly that and I quote, “There’s no one way to be black.” She black!
So there first tears to shreds this film critics idiotic tweet
Now lets all point at laugh more at the idiot on the internet… again I quote, cos playing people of colour… they’re blue aliens from a fictional planet, I repeat they’re blue aliens from a fictional planet, in a fictional movie! This is not the documentary channel or a bio-pic!
Hell, if you want to call the movie out for appropriation, call the story line for the first movie out for ripping of the native American story of Pocahontas, the stories are identical!
But calling out white people for cos playing blue aliens from a fictional planet as cultural appropriation! What is this woman smoking?!
If we want to step this up another ridiculous notch, where was this woman when the Smurf movies came out? Again, blue fictional characters, POCs being played by… you guess it, white people.
Look I think someone needs to contact James Cameron, the creator and director of Avatar, and get him on the record to say WHY he didn’t go exomoon Pandora, where the indigenous humanoid species called the Na’vi, the blue people, and get them to star in his movie and not white actors in Hollywood.
Out of control! I suggest a protest, or a walk out, we need to stand as white people in support of people like Kathia Woods, a black woman and all people of colour, especially the blue ones, so they are represented by their own culture, their own race and their own people! #endrant