BEST BITS – Top 5 List – Things To Say Whist On The Phone To Mess With The Algorithm

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This week I had 4 hour convo with a friend, he lives over seas we speak every couple of weeks, part of out convo was the pronunciation of the brand name, Adidas. is it ad-ee-tus or add-id-ass.

Now if you’ve ever wondered if there are little men in your phone listening, neither my friend nor I shop that brand, nor are we generally fans of the brand, and nor would we search it out online.

However, what happens to my friend next time he’s in youtube, up comes a recommended video on the pronunciation of Adidas.

Coincidence, I think not!

Which brings us to this weeks top 5 Things To Say Whilst On The Phone To Mess With The Algorithm.

  1. Glow-in-the-Dark Toilet Roll.
  2. what do I do if a dolphin wants to mate with me
  3. Floor cleaning slippers
  4. Yodeling Pickles
  5. are babies dishwasher safe

After searching for those things or talking about them in conversations, I guarantee you the algorithm is going to think you are SO messed up that it won’t even bother making suggestions.

Why do you think that it was my friend who got the Adidas pronunciation recommendation, and not me.

BROADCAST DATE: 1st December 2022

SHOW: #006