BEST BITS – Prince Harry and Megan Spare Drama Update
#PrinceHarry #MeganMarkle #Spare #ttms #localradio #2ssr
The court of public opinion is in session (SFX)
Prince Harry and Megan Markle, need to stop! Yep I am on that side of the fence, and I know for certain that I am not alone, and I believe that the majority of the court of public opinion agree with me, here is why.
I don’t even know where to begin with this topic because so much has happened in just one week. It all started with Prince Harry, or is it the former Prince Harry, because they bowed out of Royal duties? Anyway, he released a book, it’s called Spare, he has also done a series of TV interviews as part of the media campaign accompanying the release.
Prior to that there was the Netflix documentary, which hook, lined and sinkered so many gullible people into believing their hype and victimhood.
I can’t get over the fact, that the majority of things they accuse their family of doing, they do themselves in their own way, and worse, the victim card they played when they were going to be stuck in Canada at the beginning of covid and had to be rescued by a friend who owned a private jet and flown to live in a mansion in Hollywood, or where ever they ended up, and people fell for that “oh woe is me” act!
Seriously, do we not remember the news during covid? Do we not remember the horrible tales of human atrocities that people faced for months and months and months on end. People in China, having their doors glued? A pregnant woman in Melbourne arrested for making a post on Facebook, boarder closers that separated children from parents and families from others, refusal for border towns to cross boarders for medial treatment. And something more gruesome that has not been discussed at any great length, and I blame the government for coving up findings on covid, as recently reported by the ABC for this, we’re not talking about the mental health aspect of Covid, I know more people who committed suicide because of lockdowns than dies of Covid, but that’s another story.
And we’re expected to feel sorry for Prince Harry and Megan, as they flew on a private jet with their dogs on board off to live in a mansion? Give me a break!
That doco, this book and the Prince Harry interviews have just become a slinging match of entitled brattishism and contraction.
Point in case, there was part of one of Prince Harry’s recent interviews where he was asked to address the allegations he and Megan had made about the Royal family being racist.
In his interview with Tom Brady of ITV the Prince said this:
( Audio – Harry_01.mp3 )
Now before I talk about the blatant contradiction of that U-turn he pulled in that interview, lets go back and take a listen to the Opera interview and what was said there
( Audio – Harry_02.mp3 )
And lets not forget about the award they received and accepted in person, you remember the award, the Ripple of Hope Awards, the one they won for exemplary leaders across government, business, advocacy, and entertainment who have demonstrated an unwavering commitment to social change and worked to protect and advance equity, justice, and human rights.
The same award that was given to them by Kerry Kennedy, the daughter of Robert F. Kennedy, who thanked the couple for showing up and explained that they were receiving the recognition because they spoke out against racism within the royal family…. yeah that award.
The award for speaking about against racism within the royal family, that is not racism but is just rather unconscious bias? Pick a lane mate! Talk about back tracking and trying to rewrite history to make yourself look like the good-guy and still play the victim at the same time.
Lets talk about another contradiction in the book, in there he states his brother struck him;
( Audio – Harry_03.mp3 )
In the book, it has been revealed that after fight that he went straight to his therapist
In Spare, Harry writes: “I apologised for the intrusion, told her I didn’t know who else to call. I told her I’d had a fight with Willy, he’d knocked me to the floor. I looked down and told her that my shirt was ripped, my necklace was broken.
But here is the contradiction, around the same time line as all this, as stated in the Opera interview, Meghan Markle said that she was told she couldn’t get help from a therapist despite having suicidal thoughts.
Markle recalled to Winfrey. “And I was told that I couldn’t, that it wouldn’t be good for the institution.” end quote.
So how does Harry have a therapist that he can call on a whim and Megan was not allowed one because that would look bad for the, and I quote, institution?
I don’t want to speak out against anyones mental struggles, but I find these two admission in contradiction of each other,
One of the biggest problem with this book, The Spare, is that Prince Harry is airing so much personal dirty laundry, which is problematic for the Royal family, that many love around the world, as it is one sided, and he knows that they Royal family will not respond to give their side, so he gets away with the world knowing only, his version of the truth.
I also take aim at what he has said at the British media, now of course they are no saint when it comes to the history of the Royal family, but he has published stories about the Royal family that the media, respectful media, would not even dare publish should they have the information, especially private conversations between senior family members. Yet he still calls them out for all they have done, again, part of their blatant and blind contractions.
And there are so many things in the book that are just too much information, who thought it was a good idea to publicly write about losing their virginity behind a pub to an older woman who he says “treated him like a stallion”? Or his drug taking and hallucinating and talking to a bin? He even revealed that his brother is circumsized! To much information coming from a senior member of the Royal Family about other members of the Royal Family!
My biggest question is why? Why do so much damage, on one hand he has said that he believes in the monarchy and hopes for one day to return and holds the door open for the discussion of reconciliation and on the other he does this?
Clearly, he’s just in it for the cash-splash and doesn’t care who he hurts on the way through. He is damaging his cause, a recent public opinion poll in the UK have two thirds of Brits disliking him.
But the damage has been done now, and that’s clearly evident with those who appose the monarchy, here in Australia republic pusher, and former leader of the Labor party, Bill Shorten, has taken a swipe at the royal family and issues a message of support for Prince Harry as he calls for Australia to become a republic.
This here is a contradiction in itself, and classic Labor moralistic behaviour, playing the high road moral card, “oh poor Harry” then using that to push an agenda.
( Audio – Harry_04.mp3 )
Talk about using someones pain to push your agenda! How deceptive and despicable! If he really cared about Harry and wanted to show support, push to support the family to heal and repair, don’t use the current drama to push your agenda to make Australia a republic, something he’s been doing for years and failing at. You can tell in Bills hesitation in voice that he doesn’t believe the tripe of a segway of the royal families feuding the reason for Australia to become a republic that he’s spewing out.
Look, at the end of the day, and this very very long segment that I could go on and on an one more about. We’re over saturated with Prince Harry and Megan Markle, and I hope it goes away. Maybe the book should be Spare Us All, Please!