BEST BITS – American Midterms Wrap Up

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The expected Red Tsunami ended up being a trickle!

BROADCAST DATE: 10th November 2022

SHOW: #003

A quick look a the red tsunami … I mean red wave.. no, red trickle of the American Mid terms where there was an expected massive change of influence in the US house of representative from blue to red, it only ended up being a slight change, where in reality there should have been MASSIVE.

It was expected, all sides expected this, the US Democrats under Joe Biden are on the nose.

Much like what is happening here in Australia an around the globe, inflation soaring, cost of living is going up, crime is on the rise and people are hurting, and statistically and generally when that happens, governments are punished.

But why did this not happen in the US? Now I am no political expert, but, I kinda think it all goes back to Trump, and despite Biden really being on the nose, Trump is worse!

The left don’t like him, and clearly, enough on the right don’t either.

He was unstable, erratic, chaotic, and even though he got stuff done, now in a time of global unsuitability, with war, climate issues, cost of living. I think the general rule of thumb for most US voters, is stability as best they can.. and it they can’t get that from the side of the orange man, they’re going to vote for the side with the man who can barely walk up stairs without tripping.

Trump knows this too, prior to the midterms he said this (AUDIO) he spoke the about the candidates he told to run, they mostly did terribly! And of course he should he blamed if the Republicans did poorly, he’s tippy toed for so long about wether he will or wether he won’t run again for president it has created uncertainty for card carrying republicans who don’t want him back as president.

Now of course he has a fan base, but they are clearly not the numbers to win a presidency or create the expected Red wave during the mid term elections, How does America get the red wave?

Trump steps aside and lets the very successful Ron DeSantos take lead of the party, it won’t happen though. T

Trump’s ego is too large, he’d need to lose a second time for him to need to vanish into non-existence…

BUT he he has teased an announcement sometime next week on wether he will or will not run for president in 2024.

This is where I am at a personal struggle, part of me hopes that he doesn’t, but the part of me who made A LOT of money as a Trump impersonator when he was President, having been booked on American late night talk shows to perform as Trump.

I want him to run again, and I want him to win… so whilst I know what is right, I also have a very clear financial bias that has influence on my judgment! I am not ashamed to admit that out loud.