BEST BITS – Calling Out Double Standards In Politics
If we don’t keep track, then they ALL get away it! Calling out double standards in Politics
BROADCAST DATE: 3rd November 2022
SHOW: #002
Which now takes us to federal politics, and the DOUBLE STANDARDS and keeping those in charge, and those opposite and to the side accountable for what they say… and they do!
For instance the UN is holding another Climate Change Conference… and our Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, you know, the guy who was elect on a mandate to do something about climate change is not going, here is what he had to say when asked by media this week (AUDIO)
Now, why is this a hypocritical double standard? Because this is what he said when in opposition when the previous Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, mentioned that he was thinking about not going to the last UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow in October of last year (AUDIO 2).. double standard!
You know, if you’re going to accuse your opposition for doing or not doing something, and then you do the same. not a good look! But the double standards don’t stop there, as we know, interest rates, keep-going-up!
Cost of living, keeps going up.. and what does the Federal Treasure, Jim Charmers, you know the guy who is part of the political party that was voted in with a mandate to do something about cost of living costs?
Well, here is what he said this month about the increase in inflation (AUDIO) and Last month in October when interest rates rose (AUDIO) and The month before in September (AUDIO) in August he was quotes saying, that families will now have to make more hard decisions about how to balance the household budget in the face of other pressures like higher grocery prices and higher power pries and the costs of other essentials about the rise in interest rates that month, and what about the month before that in July (AUDIO) and in June (AUDIO) so that’s 6 interest rates under Labor, where things are described as being difficult for the Australian people, but when the first interest rate happened before the election under the Liberal Party, this is what Jim Chalmers, in opposition said (AUDIO)
A FULL BLOWN COST OF LIVING CRISIS! uhuh… and what is it now?
Double standards! That’s what it is… it’s double standards! Also.. it’s all good and well to say Australians are having a tough time, what about some direction or explanation on HOW the government is going to fix this?