Top 5 Birds of TV and Film

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#Top5 #Birds BigBird #TTMS #LocalRadio #2ssr


World Bird Day, a day to celebrate the feathered, flying, flappers. From cardinals to doves, from parakeets to parrots.

Side note I have a slight trauma when it comes to birds, after years of a neighbour of mine feeding them right out side my unit – long story! I wish I was on radio when all that happened, any way.

Kind of a boring celebration to kick the show off for the new year, but it was either world bird day or Keto Day or Screenwriters Day or Whipped Cream Day… Come on world, we need something more exciting to celebrate January 5.

Which brings us to this weeks top 5, as being World Bird Day, we do the top 5 birds of TV and Film, starting with number 5

  1. Ozzie Ostrich – Hey Hey it’s Saturday, classic
  2. Donald Duck
  3. Zazu from the Lion King
  4. Tweety Pie
  5. Is there anyone better than Big Bird… I don’t think so!