BEST BITS | How clean is your body? Chances are it’s not as clean as you think!
#bodywash #showering #howcleanareyou #ttms #localradio #2ssr
How clean is your body? Chances are it’s not as clean as you think! || LISTEN: https://youtu.be/fQJvyN9Ni1A
File this next segment under – How clean is your body? Chances are it’s not as clean as you think!
A popular doctor on TikTok Dr Jen Caudle, has revealed the top five areas people don’t wash enough..
Let’s take a listen:
The belly button! Guilty, I don’t remember the last time I washed my belly button, I didn’t even know how to wash my belly button, until I googled it, turns out you wash your belly button by dipping your finger or a soft washcloth in a solution of saltwater (about a teaspoon of table salt in a cup of warm water) and gently massage the inside of your navel. This should loosen stubborn germs that can cause odour. Then rinse with plain water and pat it dry.
Yep, behind the ear! I wash this area, cause if I don’t it feels all waxy and i get pimples behind the year, the kind that Dr Pimple Popper would love to squeeze! Gross!
She says UH HUH a lot, I don’t generally do this, but I do cut my nails a lot, my fingernails grow quickly and I use that hooky little attachment on the nail clippers to clean out the stuff under the nails out, so I guess I can check that off as done!
Washing your legs, yeah I do this I was my legs, how could you not? You’ve got your soap, or wash cloth and loafer there, why don’t people just keep scrubbing?
I don’t wash my toes, but then again, I don’t wear socks or shoes – one of the advantages of working from home, so there is no issue for creating an environment for sweaty yuck!
How did you do? Do you wash all 5 properly? I ticked the majority off, so I guess I am moderately clean.
On top of this, this doctor, Dr Jen Caudle did another video on wash cloths, if you’re meant to use a different one for your face and butt
Which brings us to this weeks, HAVE YOUR SAY! Head to The Troy Murphy Show Facebook page as we ask: “Do you use a different wash cloth for your face and your butt when you shower?”
For me, I don’t use wash cloths, I kinda find them gross! I use a loafer thing for my body, and wash my butt last then really rinse the loafer out after so it’s clean for next use, and for my face I use my hands and a face wash and scrub it in… is that bad? Who knows? head to The Troy Murphy Show Facebook page and have your say.