BEST BITS – More Covid News… It’s All Getting A Bit Crazy Out There!
As we File this next segment under – Covid update 879… thousand and 1!
Just when you think covid is over, just like a Turtle poking its head out has two meanings, there are two covid stories in the news this week, one very concerning and the other… well, who didn’t see this one coming.. which is which I will let you decide.
The first one, to the birth place of Covid, China, where protests have broken out this week in retaliation to the continue draconian treatment of citizens forced to lock down in an effort for zero transmission.
People in China are protesting after they learnt that residents unable to escape their apartment because doors were sealed by authorities in the province of the far-western region of Xinjiang due to pandemic prevention measures… where 10 people died last week in fire, after being in lockdown for 3 months!
Chinese people, according to the ABC are protesting with blank white pages and repeated words such as “good” and “okay”, in an effort to get around censorship. In China, the public are forbidden to speak ill of the Chinese government or President Xi Jinping.
But that hasn’t stoped them, protesters calling for Xi Jinping to step down as “president for life” … this is most certainly, watch, wait and see protest movement.
And closer to home.
The NSW government has conceded that two COVID-19 fines being challenged in a Supreme Court test case are invalid, opening the door for more than 30,000 other people to have fines worth $30 million cancelled.
Redfern Legal Centre brought the case on behalf of three of its clients who received fines ranging from $1000 to $3000 during the 2021 public health lockdowns.
It was argued that the fines did not meet the requirements of section 20 under the Fines Act. The case centred on the technical basis that the notices did not provide a sufficiently detailed description of the offence committed and were therefore invalid.
Within a matter of hours the government moved to withdraw more than half the infringements issued under NSW’s COVID-19 restrictions. In a statement issued after the ruling, Revenue NSW confirmed it would withdraw 33,121 fines.
A total of 62,128 COVID-related infringements were issued in the state throughout the pandemic.
Can of worms OPENED!
BROADCAST DATE: 1st December 2022
SHOW: #006